Tanhuato, The Posada

A posada is a Mexican tradition. For a whole week prior to Christmas a procession leads out from night mass. A statue of Mary and Joseph are lead through town, recreating the trip to Bethlehem.

Most of the town goes to each posada. As it is the only other time in the year when the town goes all out on an event. The path is clearly marked out and houses are adorned to welcome the visitors walking down the street.

Everyone follows closely along as the priest leads the procession. Everyone sings hymnals and Christmas songs on the way.

At certain spots the caravan stops and a detail of Mary and Joseph's the jouney is recreated.
The priest asks if there is a posada (refuge) for the travellers. The families know they will get visited and have to turn away Mary and Joseph, sorry there is no posada. Even though they are not hosting the travelers it is still an honor to be part of the procession.
The procession continues down the street until finally Mary and Joseph find a modest posada.
The statues are placed in front of the display.
Each night of the posada tells a different part of the story of Jesus' birth. This night finds Mary and Joseph travelling near Egypt and past some Roman soldiers.
The costumes are pretty neat. The "actors" stay in place until everyone has seen their share and taken as many pictures or video as they want.
The whole town goes in turn to see the display.
The priest and a small choir sing songs over a PA attached to the roof of a truck.
Houses lining the path of the posada are expected to give out punch and candy to the travellers. Things can get hectic.
Some of my friends don't think Mexico is much to visit. I remind them not to judge Mexico by a visit to Tijuana. This is the real Mexico that travel agency's somehow miss. Holidays filled with sincerity and friendly people.
Believe it or not there is a different display set up for every night of the posada. The paths vary every night and the final stop always shares some part of the biblical story. You should go sometime.
Did I mention that Tanhuato is about 1 square kilometer? The posada sometimes go right to the edge of town. Don't believe me? There is nothing for miles and miles right next to one posada display.

by Noe Valladolid